Q: How do you remove and install the front crankshaft pulley and Crankshaft Seal on Four cylinder engine on Honda Crosstour?
A: So as to remove the crankshaft pulley follow the steps; switch off the engine and then unbolt the cable of the negative terminal. Then, it is required to lift the vehicle and steady it with jackstands. After this, you can then take off the splash shield found at the underside of the engine compartment and the drivebelt. I would encourage the use of a breaker bar and socket to remove the crankshaft pulley center bolt, but it's important the pulley be locked into place in some way with a strap wrench or a special tool that the mechanic can secure to the wheel, which requires that a shop rag be wrapped around the pulley. Pull the pulley of the crankshaft and then eject the crankshaft front oil seal with a seal puller or by using the tip of the screwed screw driver though the tip has tape around it so that it will not harm the crankshaft. As an example, the seal bore must be cleaned carefully and must be checked for nicks or gouges and the hub area may exhibit abnormal wear or scoring; many popular engines may have a repair sleeve. When installing, the lip of the new seal must be rubbed in clean engine oil and the seal installed with the aid of a seal driver or a socket just slightly smaller than the seal with the open side towards the engine. I put some clean engine oil on the sealing surface of the hub, fitted the crankshaft pulley and tightened the bolt to recommended torque. Last but not the least, you can finish the installation process by going through the removal process in reverse and reconnect the battery.