Q: How do you remove and install Tie Rod End on Honda Prelude?
A: To remove the inner steering rods, first raise and safely support the vehicle, then remove the front wheel/tire assembly. Clean the steering rod between the steering boot and outer tie rod end locknut with a suitable penetrating lubricant and a clean cloth. Loosen the outer tie rod end locking nut by a quarter turn, then loosen the steering boot clamp(s) and slide the small clamp off the boot. Carefully loosen the boot and slide it outward to expose the inner steering rod mounting fastener. If necessary, adjust the inner steering rack shaft for better access. Relieve the steering rod nut locking tab from the inner steering rack shaft and loosen the steering rod ball socket nut by one turn. Matchmark the tie rod end to the threaded shaft, then remove the cotter key and castle nut from the outer tie rod end threaded spindle, using a tie rod end removal tool to detach the tie rod from the Steering Knuckle. Hold the tie rod with a wrench and remove the outer tie rod end from the threaded rod, counting the number of complete turns it takes to remove it and noting this number. Remove the tie rod end locknut from the threaded steering shaft, slide the steering rack boot off the shaft, and remove the inner steering rod ball socket nut. For installation, inspect the tie rod end for looseness and check the steering rack boot and tie rod end boot for any damage, replacing as necessary. Clean the steering rack shaft and apply a light coating of Genuine Honda Power steering fluid. Apply a medium strength locking agent to the threads where the inner steering rod ball socket mounts, using a new locking washer and stop washer to install the inner tie rod onto the steering rack shaft, tightening it to 40 ft. lbs. Peen the lock washer over the nut or onto the flat surface of the steering rack shaft. Apply silicone grease to the outer circumference of the inner tie rod end ball socket and the groove just outside of the socket, then apply silicone grease to the inside of the small end of the steering rack boot, sliding the boot over the steering shaft and onto the rack while installing the boot clamps. Apply a light film of anti-seize compound onto the threaded tie rod end and install the tie rod end lock nut, then install the tie rod end onto the tie rod, turning it the same number of turns as noted during removal. Follow the tie rod end installation procedures, and complete the installation in reverse order of removal, checking the front end alignment and adjusting as necessary. For the outer tie rod ends, raise and safely support the vehicle, remove the front wheel/tire assembly, and loosen the outer tie rod end locking nut by a quarter turn. Matchmark the tie rod end to the threaded shaft, then remove the cotter key and castle nut from the outer tie rod end threaded spindle, using a tie rod end removal tool to separate the tie rod end from the steering knuckle. Hold the tie rod with a wrench and remove the outer tie rod end from the threaded rod, counting the number of complete turns it takes to remove it and noting this number. For installation, apply a light film of anti-seize compound onto the threaded tie rod end and install the tie rod end lock nut, then install the tie rod end onto the tie rod, turning it the same number of turns as noted during removal. Install the tapered spindle of the tie rod end into the knuckle and tighten the castle nut to the specified torque for the model, then install a new cotter pin in the tie rod end threaded spindle and tighten the tie rod end locknut. Complete the installation in reverse order of removal and have the front end alignment checked and adjusted as necessary.