Q: How Do You Replace Rear Brake Shoes on Honda Fit?
A: Loosen the wheel lug nuts, raise the rear of the vehicle and support it securely on jackstands, block the front wheels to keep the vehicle from rolling, remove the wheels, release the parking brake and remove the brake drums. All four rear brake shoes must be replaced at the same time, but to avoid mixing up parts, work on only one brake assembly at a time. Before disassembling anything, wash off the brake assembly with brake system cleaner and follow the brake shoe replacement procedures. Before reinstalling the drum, it should be checked for cracks, score marks, deep scratches and hard spots, which will appear as small discolored areas. If the hard spots cannot be removed with fine emery cloth or if any of the other conditions listed above exist, the drum must be taken to an automotive machine shop to have it resurfaced. Professionals recommend resurfacing the drums each time a brake job is done. Install the brake drum, make a preliminary adjustment of the brake, turn the adjuster star wheel until the brakes just begin to drag on the drum as it is turned, then back-off the star wheel until no dragging can be heard when you rotate the drum. Depress the brake pedal firmly several times, then rotate the drum to ensure that the brakes are not dragging. Mount the wheel, install the lug nuts, then lower the vehicle. Tighten the wheel lug nuts to the torque, make a number of forward and reverse stops and operate the parking brake to adjust the brakes until satisfactory pedal action is obtained, and check the operation of the brakes carefully before driving the vehicle.