Q: What are the benefits of periodic tire inspections for the Honda Del Sol?
A: If you regularly inspect your tires, you can avoid flat tires and identify steering problems. Use a depth gauge to measure the tread depth and replace the tires. Cupped wear occurs when tires are misaligned or unbalanced. Also, look out for cuts, punctures, or slow leaks and ensure that the valve core is properly tightened. Look at the tire on the inside for brake fluid leakage. Also, pressure should be checked with a gauge against cold tires compared to what is recommended on a placard mounted on all vehicles.
Q: What are the procedures for rotating tires and checking brakes on the Honda Del Sol?
A: The tires should be rotated at the specified intervals and whenever uneven wear is noticed. Since the vehicle will be raised and the tires removed anyway, check the brakes at this time. Radial tires must be rotated in a specific pattern. For the proper procedures to follow when raising the vehicle and changing a tire, if the brakes are to be checked, do not apply the parking brake as stated. Make sure the tires are blocked to prevent the vehicle from rolling. Preferably, the entire vehicle should be raised at the same time. This can be done on a hoist or by jacking up each corner and then lowering the vehicle onto jackstands placed under the frame rails. Always use four jackstands and make sure the vehicle is firmly supported. After rotation, check and adjust the tire pressures as necessary and be sure to check the lug nut tightness.