Q: How Do I Replace a Front Driveaxle on Honda Del Sol?
A: Untighten the wheel lug nuts, lift the vehicle, and secure it on jackstands. Remove the wheel and hub nut and disconnect the damper fork and lower control arm. Separate the control arm from the knuckle, swing the knuckle/hub assembly out, and pry the axle shaft from the transaxle. Support the outer end, pry the old clip, install a new one, and lubricate the seal. Raise the axle shaft, insert splines, and apply grease. Pull out the stub/knuckle, and install the stub axle. Insert the ball joint, tighten the nut, and install a damper fork. Install the hub nut and lock disc. Tighten the hub nut and pull out the CV Joint. Install the wheel and lug nuts, lower the vehicle, tighten the lug nuts and hub nut, and stake the nut. Install the wheel cover and refill the transaxle.