Q: How to remove and install a air conditioning condenser in the Honda Del Sol?
A: Have the refrigerant discharged by a dealership service department or air conditioning repair facility. Disconnect the cable from the negative battery terminal. If the radio in your vehicle is equipped with an anti-theft system, make sure you have the correct activation code before disconnecting the battery. Disconnect the air conditioning pressure switch electrical connector and the condenser fan electrical connector. Disconnect the condenser hose and discharge line from the condenser. Remove the condenser retaining bracket bolts and lift off the brackets, then disconnect the condenser fan electrical connector. Lift the condenser from the vehicle, being careful not to damage the condenser fins or the Radiator when removing or installing the condenser. Installation is the reverse of removal. Always replace all O.rings with new ones and lightly lubricate them with refrigerant oil before assembly. Have the system evacuated, charged and leak tested by a dealership service department or air conditioning repair facility. If a new condenser was installed, add 2/3-ounce of refrigerant oil.