Q: How do you remove and install the thermostat housing on Honda CRX?
A: To remove the thermostat housing it's as follows; Step one, unfasten the negative battery terminal, step two, expel the coolant present in the radiator. It is followed by removing the radiator hose from the housing neck and the heater hoses from the side of thermostat housing. Disengage the bolts attaching the housing to the engine and also pull the housing off the water pump inlet tube and the engine block. As for installation, a new O-ring is put at water pump inlet pipe and thermostat housing must be correctly installed on the pipe. Bolt the thermostat housing, and snug the bolts up to 9 ft lbs. (12 Nm). Last, reconnect the hoses, refill the cooling system, start the engine and check for leaked foreign fluids and bleed the cooling system.