2017-2019 Honda Ridgeline | 4 Door Black, 4 Door RT (2WD), 4 Door RT (AWD), 4 Door RTL, 4 Door RTL (2WD), 4 Door RTL (AWD), 4 Door RTS (2WD), 4 Door RTS (AWD), 4 Door Sport (2WD), 4 Door Sport (AWD) | KA 6AT
Q: How to replace the key lock cylinder and ignition switch assembly on Honda Ridgeline?
A: A one-piece assembly is The Ignition Lock Cylinder and ignition switch assembly, which is also referred to as the "steering lock". If either the Ignition Lock Cylinder or the ignition switch fails, replace the assembly. Unplug negative battery terminal using cable followed by waiting for not less than three minutes. It is necessary to remove knee bolster and upper and lower steering column covers. Turn over driver's side fuse and relay box in order to reach panel backside. Trace electrical harness down from Ignition Lock Cylinder/ignition switch assembly towards driver's side fuse and relay box, detach any harness clips, then disconnect ignition switch electrical connector from fuse and relay box. Detach clip of driver's side airbag wiring harness from bracket on Ignition Lock Cylinder/ignition switch assembly. Disconnect small electrical connector from Ignition Lock Cylinder/ignition switch assembly. Center-punch two shear-head bolts that secure mounting clamp for Ignition Lock Cylinder/ignition switch assembly, next drill out center of each bolt removing bolts with use of screw extractor. Another possible way might be using a hammer chisel to knock off bolts in a counterclockwise direction. Remove bracket then separate lock cylinder/ignition switch assembly at steering column. Reverse steps for installation process after completing removal process hereinabove outlined in steps 1 through 14. Tighten new shear-head bolts until heads break off completely. After finishing reconnect cable back onto negative battery terminal again Verify proper functioning of Ignition Lock Cylinder/ignition switch assembly.