1997-2002 Honda Passport | 4 Door 4EX, 4 Door 4EX-L, 4 Door 4LX, 4 Door 4LX-W, 4 Door EX-W (4X4 V6), 4 Door LX (4X4 V6), 4 Door LX-W (4X4 V6) | KA 4AT, KL 4AT
Q: Is it advisable to leave the overhaul of the transmission/transfer case assembly to a specialized repair shop on Honda Passport?
A: On these models, the transmission/transfer case assembly is disassembled for overhaul as a single unit and thus wiser for an expert repair shop that handles both the transmission and the transfer case. A number of rebuilt units may be in the market, therefore a customer should consult the dealerships parts department and auto parts stores. Also, some amount of cost cutting is possible if the transmission/transfer case unit is removed and taken to the shop.