2018-2022 Honda Odyssey | 5 Door ELITE (10AT), 5 Door EX, 5 Door EX (10AT), 5 Door EX-L, 5 Door EX-L (10AT), 5 Door LX, 5 Door LX (10AT), 5 Door Touring (10AT) | KA 9AT, KA XAT
Q: How do you replace the hub and bearing assembly on Honda Odyssey?
A: For 2004 and earlier models, start by applying liberal amount of penetrating lubricants on the rear wheel lug nuts, then after that, Subsequently, undo the brake drum or disc, in addition to the dust cover using a hammer and chisel. Next, remove the hub retaining nut and torques the hub and bearing out of the spindle. Remove the old hub and bearing assembly and clean the spindle prior to the installation process, and apply a thin coat of wheel bearing grease to the locale where the bearing sits. Again the process is opposite to that of the removal, and while tightening the new nut to the standard torque, it is advisable to use little engine oil on the seating area of the nut. On the other models with rear disc brakes, torque the caliper mounting bolts to the mentioned above value. Finally, fit the wheel and the nuts, lower the car and then again tighten the nuts to achieve the standard torque. To begin with one should have to remove the rear wheel lug nuts, lift the vehicle, put on jackstand and then remove the rear wheel which applies to the 2005 and later models. Take off the brake caliper and suspend it by a piece of wire such that the hose does not stretch, and then also do not lose the two washers which lie between the caliper and the knuckle. What is left is to take off the four hub mounting bolts, take out the hub, and do away with the O-ring located underneath the hub. The process of installation is the reverse of the removal process where the O-ring has to be replaced and all the fasteners tightened to the prescribed torque value.