Q: How should you properly replace brake shoes and Parking Brake Shoe on Honda Odyssey?
A: If the brake shoes are to be replaced, the return and hold-down springs should also be replaced seeing that they undergo a normal heating and cooling cycle that makes them to lose tension and hence results to faster wear of shoes. Starting with the wheel lug nuts, the rear of the car shall be raised, and support it using the jack stands while the front wheels are blocked. Lift the car and undo the parking break, and take off the wheel. Replacement of the four rear brake shoes should be at once, however to avoid cross tracing of parts, work on one brake assembly only. Take off the brake drum, there should be only one, if it cannot be removed pull the brake shoes in by turning the adjuster star wheel which can be seen after removing the brake drum. Remove the brake shoes from the brake drum and clean the brake shoe assembly using the brake system cleaner not compressed air. As a rule, brake shoes are replaced according to the illustrations for this operation, while the contact surfaces must be lubricated with high-temperature grease, and the shoes-fixed with hold-down clips. Before refitting revolve the drum and see if there are any signs of wear on the surface if there is, it should be done over. Fit the brake drum and snug up the brake shoes until they come in contact with the brake drum and then re-fix the plug. Put the wheel back on, bring down the car and tighten the nuts as required. Make forward and reverse stops, operate the parking brake, and inspect the brakes to ensure that they performed satisfactorily. The same procedure can be applied for the models equipped with the rear disk brakes and will include cleaning the parking brake shoes, removing and installing the springs and clips, grease the contact surfaces of the brake lining and assemble the calipers and the disk. Last of all, make sure you adjust the shoes of the shoes and check on the functionality of the brakes before operating the vehicle.