Q: How Do You Replace the Stabilizer Bar and Bushings on a Honda Fit?
A: Loosen the front wheel lug nuts, raise the front of the vehicle, support it securely on jackstands and remove the wheels. Detach the sway bar kit links from the bar. Remove the front subframe. If you're working on a 2009 or later model, remove the steering gear. Remove the bushing clamps. Remove the sway bar kit and bushings from the subframe. Inspect the clamp bushings and the link bushings. If they're cracked or deteriorated, replace them. Note: When installing new bushings, the slit in the bushing must face the rear of the vehicle. Install the clamps in their original positions. Installation is the reverse of removal. Align the paint marks on the bar with the bushings. Tighten all suspension and steering fasteners to the torque values. Tighten the wheel lug nuts to the torque. Note: On 2007 and 2008 models, if both links were also removed from the struts, be sure to install them on the proper side; the left-side link has a yellow paint mark and the right-side link has a white paint mark.