Q: How do you replace a steering gear boot on Honda Del Sol?
A: Tighten the lugs nuts, lift the front of the car and put it on supports before the wheel is removed. Then it is required to unscrew and take out the tie-rod end and the jam nut from the threaded pin. Next remove the rack and pinion boot clamps and pull off the boot. The Location Having acclaimed software engineers, we currently have the right personnel to extend our software development division, located at our San Francisco headquarters, to support the international operations of our customers. Before fitting the new boot, cover the threads and serrations which are present at the end of the tie-rod with a layer of cloth tape so that they do not cause damage to the small end of the new boot. Place a new boot on the rack and pinion and slide it in place until it rests on the groove of the steering rod before putting in new clamps. The second procedure is to remove the tape and to install the tie-rod end. Last, you should fit the wheel and lug nuts, and then lower the car so that you will tighten the lug nuts up to the recommended torque.