Q: How do you check the fuel level sending unit on Honda Del Sol?
A: To test the Fuel Level Sensor follow the steps below; In order to get to the Fuel Level Sensor, first remove the access cover to it by unscrewing it. Then, place the ohmmeter probes on both terminals of the electrical connector for operating resistance with the float pumped up and the resistance should be between 2 to 5 ohms and let the float go low on the tank, the resistance should be 100 to 105 ohms. If the readings are wrong or increase only slightly as the float goes from full to empty, then the floating unit should be sent for replacement. The unit can also be tested by pulling it out and measuring the resistance while operating the float mechanically. For replacement, first, unbolt the rear seat; then unscrew the access cover and hoist it out of the floor of the vehicle. Insert the brass punch with the hope of forcing down the tabs of the locking ring into the recess in the housing after which pull out the Fuel Level Sensor from the tank without pulling hard so as not to bend the float arm. It should be mounted inversely in the order in which it was unmounted and a new gasket must be placed under the sealing flange.