Q: What does the power door locking system comprise and how is the power door lock removed and installed on Honda CRX?
A: The power door locking system comprises switches, actuators, and relays, with control switches operating the system. Actuators raise and lower the door lock buttons and are mounted inside the door assembly, functioning electrically when the switch is pressed. A control unit or functional relay regulates current and aligns all actuators and switches. For removal and installation of the door lock switch, first disconnect the negative battery cable, then remove the door panel retaining screws, lift the door panel, and disconnect all necessary electrical connections before removing the panel and switch assembly. Installation follows the reverse order. For the door lock actuator, begin by disconnecting the negative battery cable, removing the door panel, disconnecting the actuator electrical connector and linkage rods, and removing the actuator assembly retaining screws before taking out the actuator assembly. Installation is again the reverse of removal.