To remove the components, first disconnect the cable from the negative battery terminal. Next, take out the VTC oil control solenoid valve from the timing cover. For Civic models, remove the cowl panel. Loosen the right front wheel lug nuts, raise the front of the vehicle, and securely support it on jackstands before removing the right front wheel. Remove the splash shields from below the engine compartment and drain the engine oil, then remove the drivebelt. Detach the drivebelt tensioner from the timing cover by removing the mounting bolts. Disconnect the crankshaft position sensor harness and any other electrical connectors that may obstruct the timing cover removal. Drain the cooling system, remove the oil cooler joint pipe mounting bolt from the water pump if equipped, pull the joint pipe back and out, and then remove the O-ring. Support the engine with a floor jack, placing a wood block between the jack head and the oil pan to prevent damage. Remove the ground cable and the right side engine mount and bracket assembly, followed by the valve cover. Remove the mounting bolts and the timing cover, along with the cover-to-block gasket. For installation, inspect and clean all sealing surfaces of the timing cover and the block, taking care not to gouge aluminum parts. If necessary, replace the crankshaft seal. Apply RTV sealant to the cylinder block mating surfaces on the cover, the upper surface contact areas, and the oil pan mating surfaces, as well as a small amount to the inner thread holes. Install a new timing cover O-ring, followed by the timing cover and fasteners, ensuring they are in their original locations and tightening them by hand until the cover contacts the block. Tighten the bolts to the specified torque, then install a new O-ring onto the oil cooler joint pipe and insert it into the water pump, tightening the bolt to the specified torque. Install the drivebelt tensioner, tightening the bolts to the specified torque, and then install the crankshaft pulley. Connect the wiring harness connectors and secure them with clamps. Reinstall the remaining parts in the reverse order of removal, fill the crankcase with the recommended oil, refill the cooling system, and reconnect the battery. Finally, start the engine and check for leaks, ensuring all fluid levels are correct.
Posted by HondaPartsNow Specialist